Utilisader discussiun:Andreas/Archiv V

Revisiun d'artitgels modifitgar

Hallo Andreas Grazia per tias remartgas pertutgant translatar funtaunas (cf. artitgel 'Samignun'). Gist anc in'autra chaussa: Jau avess gugent lectorà e consolidà l'artitgel 'Italia'. Sche ti vas d'accord, fatsch jau quai a basa da tes artitgel 'Utilisader:Andreas/Italia'. Grazia e salids Terracotta

Sali Terracotta. Jau hai copià mia translaziun da l'artitgel sin la pagina Italia, quai è okay perquai ch'jau sun l'unic contribuent dal cuntegn. Fa stim che jau vegn a finir ed actualisar l'artitgel cur che ja chat il temp vitiers. Has ti er interess per l'artitgel Utilisader:Andreas/Spescha? Tar lez vegn jau a rescriver il chapitel davart sias activitads linguisticas en las Vichis rumantsch e tudestg. U Vicosoprano? ;)
Anc dus tips: Normalmain respund'ins sin la pagina nua che la discussiun entschaiva e la resposta vegn indentà (PG: tschessà) cun entschaiver la resposta cun in puct dubel dapli ch'en il messadi precedent. Clicca "modifitgar" per vesair tge che jau manegel. E: Messadis sin paginas da discussiun vegnan suttascrittas u firmadas cun quatter tildas (~~~~) u simbol cun il rispli sur il champ da text. Quai generescha ina signatura cun tes num d'utilisader ed in Zeitstempel (indicaziun da datum ed ura dal messadi). Salids, Andreas (talk) 18:08, 10 mars 2012 (CET)
Hallo Andreas Jau hai gist terminà la revisiun da l'artitgel 'Italia'. I para sco sch'el fiss vegnì bler pli curt, ma jau hai be eliminà passaschas dublas ed infurmaziuns main relevantas per in artitgel da basa. Schlargiar pon ins sa chapescha anc adina... Per revegnir a nossa correspundenza qua sura: Sche ti integreschas tes artitgel da Spescha poss jau gugent repassar quel. Salids Terracotta (talk) 22:12, 3 zercladur 2012 (CEST)
Chau Terracotta! Jau na sun betg d'accord cun tias "eliminaziuns". Ti has stizzà inters chapitels sco quel davart la geologia u quel davart ils parcs natirals. L'artitgel davart l'Italia n'è betg in artitgel da basa, ma ina descripziun d'in stadi cun in'istorgia lunga e variada.
Pos ti per plaschair restituir mia lavur oriunda e be far correcziuns d'ortografia e tipografia? Translatar e formular in tal artitgel è in sforz enorm per insatgi ch'ha il rumantsch be sco quarta lingua. Sche mia proposta na ta plascha betg, vegn jau a restituir la furma oriunda ed a metter l'avis che l'artitgel pudess cuntegnair sbgals da linguatg. Sorry...
Ah, ina dumonda: Es ti la medema persuna che fa las correcturas sco IP 188...? --Andreas (talk) 22:56, 3 zercladur 2012 (CEST)
Perstgisa, Andreas, jau na vuleva betg dar l’impressiun da midar massivamain tes artitgel oriund. Jau hai anc cumpareglià ina giada las midadas: Igl èn en emprima lingia las tabellas (= uss per part transfurmadas en text) che dattan l’impressiun sco sche l’artitgel fiss vegnì pli curt. Il chapitel geologia na hai jau betg laschà davent (mira: situaziun geologica). Okay, ils Parcs natirals hai jau puspè integrà. Il sistem da sanadad hai jau scursanì in pau; uschiglio hai jau be adattà u stritgà ina frasa u l’autra (ma era cumplettà in aspect u l’auter). Sche ti giavischas fatsch jau gugent ulteriuras revisiuns/cumplettaziuns. Salids Terracotta (talk) 08:17, 4 zercladur 2012 (CEST)

technical problems modifitgar

Hi Andreas,

first thing, on MediaWiki:Common.js you should remove the initial lines:

function $(ID) {return document.getElementById(ID);}

function $t(T) {return document.getElementsByTagName(T);}

function pTitle() {
 if (wgIsArticle == true) {
  var pTitle = $("pTitle").innerHTML;
  $t("h1")[0].id = "blackTitle";
  $t("h1")[0].firstChild.nodeValue = pTitle;
  $t("h1")[0].setAttribute("style", "color: #000000");
  document.title = pTitle+" - Wikipedia";

because the function $ is overloading (or "hiding", if you prefer less technical terms) the jQuery function with the same name, so jQuery cannot work. This should solve at least some of your problems, try doing this and then we'll see if there's something else to fix. Candalua (talk) 16:56, 6 matg 2012 (CEST)

Hello Candalua, thanks for your reply and the help provided. Although I have no idea what you were trying to explain ;-) it seems to work. The bar is back and I could finally close the "new terms of use" notification (can I translate it anywhere?). Thanks a lot! But already the first script(?) in the Common.js doesn't seem to function. It is supposed to place the 'modifitgar' (or 'edit') links behind the single headlines as they are in the German and French wikis. Why should either try to get it working or remove it completely. Also, I failed repeatedly to implement collapsible tables/templates. --Andreas (talk) 17:53, 6 matg 2012 (CEST)

Candidatura modifitgar

Tgau Andreas,

Jeu hai uss era candidau sco administratur cheu, e jeu selegrass fetg sche ti votasses leu! Engaziel fetg ed in car salid, --Terfili (talk) 12:00, 25 matg 2012 (CEST)

Hello. Anything but this! Of course, I don't speak Romansh, but I had created pages like this and earlier too... (in this wiki). Can you help me and add some more information in this page... and maybe in all other my pages. I'll be only glad to support. Best regards,--Midnight Green (talk) 12:00, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST)

Hello. First: It's not me, it's the rules (#1 "Each article needs to have to almost five full sentences (without statistical information"). Second: If you don't speak Romansh, why do you contribute to the Romansh Wikipedia? Does that make sense? Every day, there are people who don't have the slightest trace of an idea of what Romansh is, where it is spoken, etc., passing by and dropping the one-sentence substubs with beautiful images of their favourite singer or actor or the hometown in South America, airports and caves in Vietnam and what not. The community, even if it's small and only sporadically active, is sick of this and they are urging me to delete these pages. Soon we'll have a new admin and I fear he won't be as nice as me. If we strictly followed the rules I linked above, maybe a quarter of articles would be affected... It's sad. --Andreas (talk) 12:49, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST)
About my contributions here... in reality, my enthusiasm motivates me. And no more. If you're annoyed by cross-wiki volunteers, I can/may not appear here at all, although I rarely here and Romansh Wikipedia isn't the only project where I contributed. It's sad. From you I'm not asking for much: only help me, and I've never come back here. Am I spammer? No. I just care about my articles.--Midnight Green (talk) 13:13, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST)
The problem isn't that you are spamming, the problem is that as Andreas wrote above, people come here all the time with their mini-articles about some random topic they care about, but only manage to wite 1-2 sentences that they copy from other articles because they don't speak the language. It's not the job of the tiny Romansh community to enlarge or proofread all these articles, and we can't just let them become more and more numerous until one day most of our articles are like that. Short, low-content articles might not be a problem on large Wikipedias with tens of thousands of articles, but they will be here where we have just over 3000 articles. --Terfili (talk) 16:03, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST)

(was: Cordiali Saluti da It:Campora San Giovanni e gentile richiesta di traduzione per Campora San Giovanni e it:Radio Studio 54 Network in romancio, grazie come sempre di vero cuore--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 15:27, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST))

Buonasera e Buon Inizio Settimana dalla Calabria,

ti scrivo per salutarti e sapere come stai e per Augurarti un Eccellente Inizio Settimana qualora non ci sentissimo prima. Oltre a questo ti chiedo un paio di cortesie, ossia un paio di traduzioni in romancio, una concernente il mio borgo natio, l'altra se potresti scrivere qualche rigo per Radio Studio 54 Network, la radio ammiraglia di Calabria, seguita anche da molti miei paesani calabresi in giro per il mondo grazie anche allo streaming, se ho sbagliato a tradurre non era per cattiveria o altro. Io mi arrangicchio con un poco di lingue e ho provato a creare la pagina in romancio, ma me ne guarderei dallo spammismo o schifezze simili, soprattutto sulla Wikipedia. ti chiedo questa cortesia se potresti ripristinare la voce della radio, poi io farò qualcosa in siciliano per te. grazie ancora. un Fraterno Abbracio--Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 15:27, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST)

Hallo Vic, sto bene, te? Ieri ho cancellato la voce su questa emitente per due motivi: 1° era troppo corta. Secondo il regolamento linkato nel post precedente ci vogliono almeno 5 frasi che non contengono informazioni statistiche. La tua voce consisteva di una sola frase. Rescritto in stile romancio (vuol dire alla tedesca o quasi) sarebbero tre. 2° penso che una voce su una radio calabrese non ci serve al momento. Siamo nei guai cun tutto la spam che ci lasciano quotidianamente, voci con una frase e una bella foto ma senza informazione alcuna. Vediamo cosa si può fare per il tuo borgo natio ma per la radio direi di no, almeno per adesso. --Andreas (talk) 15:45, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST)

Buon Pomeriggio di Nuovo, io sto bene, qui in Calabria fa un caldo tremendo, però nella sostanza va bene. Fai tu e fai tutto come diciamo qui in Calabria, se la radio non va bene, per il momento non si fa..ma se si potrebbe fare qualcosa benvenga anche quella. se hai di bisogno per qualsiasi cosa, non hai che da chiedere :) grazie mille --Lodewijk Vadacchino (talk) 17:46, 25 zercladur 2012 (CEST)

Article translation/collaboration request modifitgar

Hi Andreas, how are you? Mate, I am trying to find an editor/s who can help by translating User:Russavia/Polandball into Romansh. I was wondering if we could make a collaborative trade?

If you could translate that article into Romansh for me, I would be happy to upload approximately 50 Swiss aviation photos to Commons from amongst the 200,000 I have permission to upload. I have uploaded a number of photos to give you a brief idea of what I can upload, and I am keeping a gallery at User:Russavia of photos uploaded.

Would you be interested in such a collaborative "trade"? Do let me know, either by responding here, or on my talk page, or by emailing me. Cheers, Russavia (talk) 15:59, 13 avust 2012 (CEST)

Treffen der Wikipedien in kleinen Sprachen 2013 modifitgar

Hallo Andreas,

auf der WikiConvention 2012 in Dornbirn ist der Vorschlag aufgekommen, ein großes Treffen von Autoren „kleiner Wikipedien“ im deutschsprachigen Raum zu veranstalten, d. h. von Wikipedien in Regionalsprachen, Minderheitensprachen, Dialekten, z. B. Plattdeutsch, Sorbisch, Friesisch, Bairisch usw. Wir denken da an eine Wochenendveranstaltung im Jahr 2013.

Wir möchten natürlich, dass möglichst viele Leute teilnehmen können, deswegen streben wir hierbei an, dass Unterkunft und Verpflegung – eventuell auch die Anreise – von Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. finanziert wird. Es gibt hierzu schon positive Signale.

Wärst Du prinzipiell an einem solchen Treffen interessiert? Und wenn ja, wo und wann wäre es denn für Dich günstig?

Viele Grüße, --Holder (talk) 09:10, 7 Settember 2012 (CEST)

Natüralmaing contribuissa ün zich munaida per quista mera. --Hellsepp (talk) 19:03, 24 Settember 2012 (CEST)

Zugriffsstatistik modifitgar

Hallo Andreas,

es gibt bekanntlich das Zugriffsstatistiktool auf http://stats.grok.se. Man kann das auch so in die Wikipedia setzen, dass es auf jeder Seite verlinkt ist. Wenn Du auf MediaWiki:Wikimedia-copyright folgenden Abschnitt oben einfügst, dann findet man auf jeder Seite ganz unten zwischen dem Datum der letzten Änderung der Seite und dem Copyright-Hinweis einen Link zur Zugriffsstatistik dieser Seite:

<a class="external" href="http://stats.grok.se/rm/latest30/{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}" rel="nofollow">Abrufstatistik</a><br /><br />

Den Ausdruck "Abrufstatistik" kannst Du natürlich ins Romanisch übersetzen.

Viel Spass damit!

Herzliche Grüsse, --Holder (talk) 10:45, 19 november 2012 (CET)

Hallo Holder, danke für die Nachricht. Damit hast Du einen Punkt meiner Wunschliste abgehakt :-) Der zweite wäre ein gutes Wort für "abrufen" ;-) Das fehlt mir bei Weblinks auch immer. Werd mich mal in anderen romanischsprachigen Wikis umsehen und ein passendes Wort suchen. Danke nochmal. --Andreas (talk) 10:50, 19 november 2012 (CET)

Bun di ? modifitgar

Dormast uossa inavant o est fingià darcheu activ ? ;-) Salüds --Xenos (talk) 13:28, 27 schaner 2013 (CET)--Xenos (talk) 13:28, 27 schaner 2013 (CET)

Sun da return :-) --Andreas (talk) 13:38, 27 schaner 2013 (CET)
Bainvgnü inavo, randulina ! ;-) --Xenos (talk) 15:54, 27 schaner 2013 (CET)

Wickiana modifitgar

hallo andreas, ich hab gesehen du interessierst dich auch für museen. die zb zürich hat scans auf wikimedia commons geladen, einige davon sind aus der wickiana. wäre es möglich das du de:Wickiana auf rumantsch übersetzt? --ThurnerRupert (talk) 21:47, 12 mars 2013 (CET)

Hallo ThurnerRupert, wie Du auf Museen kommst kann ich zwar nicht nachvollziehen, aber die Drucke interessieren mich durchaus. Ich werd's mir mal ansehen. --Andreas (talk) 22:03, 12 mars 2013 (CET)

vielen dank! die zentralbibliothek zürich ist ähnlich wie die biblioteca chantunala dal grischun ... hab ich mal abwegig gedacht. bei wikimedia wird solche institutionen oft unter dem stichwort "GLAM" (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) zusammengewürfelt. --ThurnerRupert (talk) 00:59, 14 mars 2013 (CET)

Hi. This is just to let you know I replied your questions here. AdiJapan (talk) 11:57, 28 avril 2013 (CEST)

I copied the article Oliver Grau to ro.wp. You can now delete it from here. AdiJapan (talk) 15:47, 7 matg 2013 (CEST)

Contatto modifitgar

Ciao Andreas, sono il community manager in lingua italiana di Wikimedia CH, volevo capire come poterti contattare (mail o telefono). Mi hanno detto che parli bene italiano per cui ti scrivo in italiano. Puoi scrivermi a ilario.valdelli@wikimedia.ch. --Ilario (talk) 11:44, 26 zercladur 2013 (CEST)

Ti ho scritto una mail. --Andreas (talk) 13:53, 26 zercladur 2013 (CEST)

Dumonda da contact modifitgar

Jau sun redactur dal Radio Rumantsch e sun vid ina contribuziun pli lunga davart "raits" che furneschan artitgels, infurmaziuns e funtaunas davart il Grischun. Cun ir spassegiond per il Wickpedia rumantsch hai jau adina puspè entupà voss num. Pia avess jau grond interess da pudair discurrer dus, trais pleds cun vus, davart vossa lavur per il Wickipedia rumantsch, voss interess, experientschas, motivaziuns... Cun chars salids Zozoventura

Adressa da contact Zozoventura: modifitgar

Bun di mia adressa da contact fiss: guadench.dazzi@rtr.ch

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