Dear Friend, I am fairly sure you know that you behaviour was not correct. Yesterday I deleted your article about Nicole because it does not meet the minimum requirements of our project which is at least five sentences (pure statistics do not count). Moreover, it is clearly visible that you did not even understand what you wrote. Do you even know which languages this wiki is in? You mixed two different writing systems, not to mention your grammar. I am not a native Romansh either, but articles like yours, posted on all the different wikis, are the death of small projects like ours. But as Christmas is just around the corner, I will play the nice guy. I will not block your account for the time being and I will see if I can do something about your article. In return I expect you to be a nice guy, too, and to stop writing promotional articles in languages you do not understand. Well, be things as they may, have a good one, yours christmassy Andreas 15:11, 9 december 2010 (CET) P.S.: If you are writing those pages for some pocket money, consider looking for something more usefull ;-)